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“走出校园,走进文化”Cultural Heritage Walk
全国中学生灯谜比赛National Chinese Riddle Competition and Workshop
全国中学编采比赛Create Your Own Newspaper Competition
《我来报新闻》挑战赛Young Reporter News Challenge
World Book Day
全国中小学阅读竞赛National Reading Contest
驻校作家计划Author-in-Residence Programme
“与声剧来”中文广播创作与工作坊"Script it Right"– Chinese Radio Drama Scriptwriting Competition & Workshops
“Xin Kong Xia” National Schools Xinyao Festival
“文化随意门”计划Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme
“谁是推理王”益智游戏Who is the one?
爱上华文街舞大赛Chinese Street Dance Competition
全国课文朗诵比赛National Text Recital Competition
全国中小学漫画作文计划Chinese Comic Writing Programme (Pri & Sec)
全国中小学学生文集出版基金Collection of Students' Chinese Work Publication Scheme