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宣传与数码组 \n Outreach and Digital Group


  1. 加强推广华文学习委员会的宣传效应,使之家喻户晓。
  2. 象征接下来一系列的品牌重塑的工作的开端,以便能更有效地推广华文学习。
  3. 新的标志将更突显出委员会的使命,即推广华文学习与强调学习华文的重要性。“华”字将更好的反映这一点。旧标志是以委员会的英语字母缩写组成的设计,对传达使命的效应相对间接。
  4. 让标志更富青春与活力,同时使之更易融入委员会的代言品的设计上。旧标志的用色、设计元素与基调在这方面有其局限性。

Why the need to change the logo:


  1. To increase outreach efforts and make the committee a more recognisable brand for the public.
  2. To mark the start of a series of rebranding efforts beginning in 2017, bringing the impact of the campaign to a new height.
  3. To better project the organisational message which is to promote the learning of the Chinese language. The original logo design was adapted from the acronyms of Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (C-P-C-L-L), and the message is not direct.
  4. To have a more youthful image as well as allowing the design logo to be easily adapted in collaterals of events organized by the committee. The use of colour, design elements and the tone of the old logo limited the types of extended designs to be use on collaterals.


CPCLL’s new Logo 新标志的简介

华文给予一般人的既定印象,特别是对年轻的华文学习者,是四四方方,一板一眼的。其实,华文学习可以很前卫。推广华文学习委员会新标志的设计既高雅又时尚。新设计也赋予华文一点调皮感,让时下的年轻人感到它的活泼 、一点小叛逆,偶尔歪一歪,把华文玩起来,让华文为生活增添乐趣,圆满人生。



The Chinese Language is often perceived by many as a difficult and boring language. Learning Chinese Language can be fun. The new logo adopted a modern design approach and added a pinch of liveliness by slightly slanting the character “华”, symbolising learning the Chinese language can be a joy and fun process.

PANTONE 709 U reddish pink is selected as the official colour for the logo.  Red is the colour for the Chinese, and reddish pink has a feel of youth, energetic, warm, fashion and fairy tale.  In addition, a spectrum of colour palette has been defined, allowing creativity and creative designs, so that each and every student will fall in love with Chinese Language, and all have fun in learning it.



CPCLL Horizontal Slogan.jpg

New Slogan - “爱上华文”(To fall in love with Chinese)

Nothing beats falling in love with a language when learning it. The committee aims to cultivate the love for the language through interesting and relatable elements and activities. Once one falls in love with a language, the language will becoming living and one will be motivated to use and learn it passionately.